In the code below, what does each value represent, in the order they are written?

In the code below, what is the blur amount?

Creating a Shadows

Add a box shadow to the h1 with the following values:

  • Color: #b5532f
  • Blur: 4px
  • X-offset: 6px
  • Y-offset: 10px
  • Spread: 2px

Inside Shadow

On second thought, maybe the shadow should go inside the box. Add the value that will place the shadow inside the element box.

Shadows for Text

Add a shadow to the text of the h2 with the following values:

  • Blur: 1px
  • Color: coral
  • X-offset: 2px
  • Y-offset: 1px

Rounded Corners

Round all 4 corners of the paragraph to a measurement of .6rem.

Hint: Make sure your properties are written in alphabetical order.

Rounding Specific Corners

On second thought, let’s keep the top-right and bottom-left corners at .6rem, but change the top-left and bottom-right to 0.

Remember, you can do this with only 2 values.

Rounding Specific Corners

Round the corners on the div below so that each corner is as follows:

  • Top-left: .75rem
  • Top-right: 1rem
  • Bottom-right: .5rem
  • Bottom-left: 0

Hint: Make sure your properties are written in alphabetical order.

When specifying a box-shadow, what keyword puts the shadow inside the element box?