Setting Typefaces

Write the CSS so that all headings use the font Verdana if it is available on the user's system. If not, the browser should then look for the font Geneva. If Geneva is unavailable on the user's system, the default sans-serif should be used.

Hint: Be sure you select for the headings in the most efficient way possible.

Setting Type Size

Add the CSS to make only the h2 have a size of 2.5rem. (This should make it larger than the h1.)

Setting Boldness

By default all headings are bold. Let's change that. Set the h2 to be normal instead of bold.

Hint: Make sure your properties are in alphabetical order.

True or False: The text-decoration property controls whether list-items have bullets.

Setting Italics

For some variation, make the h3 text use an italic style.

Type Color

Give the h3 a text color of #1bd1c2.

Hint: Make sure your properties are in alphabetical order.

Setting Case

To switch things up a bit, set the text of the h4 to be all uppercase.

Spacing Between Letters

The all-caps letters need a little extra space between them to breathe. Add .1rem of space between the letters of the h4.

Hint: Make sure your properties are in alphabetical order.

Why do we provide fallback fonts for the font-family property?

Adding Lines

For a bit of visual flare, add a line over the top of the h4. The line should only be the length of the text.

Hint: Make sure your properties are in alphabetical order.


For text that wraps to multiple lines, it is important to specify the height of the lines. Set all paragraphs so that every line is 1.6 times the height of the type.

Hint: Think about what units are possible with this property.

True or False: Bold weights or italic style can be applied to any typeface.