Reference Index
Looking for information about a particular HTML element, HTML attribute, or CSS property? These alphabetical lists might come in handy.
HTML Elements
- a (link)
- article
- aside
- body
- button and submit inputs
- br (break)
- details and summary
- dialog
- div
- doctype
- em (emphasis)
- figcaption
- figure
- footer
- form
- h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, & h6 (headings)
- head
- header
- hr (horizontal rule)
- html
- img
- input
- label
- li (list item)
- link (for stylesheets)
- main
- meta
- nav
- ol (ordered list)
- p (paragraph)
- section
- select and option
- small
- span
- strong
- svg
- textarea
- title
- ul (unordered list)
HTML Attributes
CSS Properties
- align-items (for flexbox)
- align-items (for grid)
- animation
- background-attachment
- background-color
- background-image
- background-position
- background-repeat
- background-size
- border
- border-radius
- bottom
- box-shadow
- box-sizing
- clear
- color
- display
- display (to activate flexbox)
- display (to activate grid)
- flex-direction
- float
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-weight
- grid-column-end
- grid-column-start
- grid-gap
- grid-row-end
- grid-row-start
- grid-template-columns
- grid-template-rows
- height
- justify-content (for flexbox)
- justify-items (for grid)
- Keyframes
- left
- letter-spacing
- line-height
- list-style-type
- list-style-position
- margin
- max-height
- max-width
- Media Queries
- min-height
- min-width
- padding
- position
- right
- text-decoration
- text-shadow
- text-transform
- top
- transition
- Variables
- width